
Sales & Influence Training





市場營銷對每間企業都不可或缺 。要做好銷售並不容易,而要在今日競爭激烈的商業社會中突圍而出,更是日益困難。

要突圍而出,就必須了解客戶的潛在需要與情緒狀態 —— 讓客户作出決定的因素。透過學習營銷心理學,你會掌握找到客户真正的需要,提升銷售表現 。


心理學 X 公開演講課程


要增加我們的演講技巧,我們需要了解自己及我們的聽眾。換言之,心理學便是我們精通公開演講的關鍵。樹洞創辦人Peter Chan的TedTalk 便是一例。

常見問題 FAQ


市場營銷對每間企業都不可或缺 。要做好銷售並不容易,而要在今日競爭激烈的商業社會中突圍而出,更是日益困難。


要突圍而出,就必須了解客戶的潛在需要與情緒狀態 —— 讓客户作出決定的因素。透過學習營銷心理學,你會掌握找到客户真正的需要,提升銷售表現 。




要增加我們的演講技巧,我們需要了解自己及我們的聽眾。換言之,心理學便是我們精通公開演講的關鍵。樹洞創辦人Peter Chan的TedTalk 便是一例。

Our Engagements

As featured on

Our clients

Trustable L&D partner, knowing how to foster growth & resilience in corporate culture.

Our DSG Learning Society finds Peter Chan’s sharing on growth mindset an inspirational one. What makes him stand out as a trainer is that the examples he shares are very relatable to both personal & professional life. He has a good sense of humour too. All these add up making him a trustable L&D partner, knowing how to foster growth & resilience in corporate culture

Joanna Wong

Head of Human Resources &

Real Estate

DSG Energy Limited

"Numerous reflection point which promoted attendees to think deeper."

Our team had the opportunity to attend a workshop on skills for handling clients. Peter has demonstrated himself as a dedicated trainer and consultant with great understand of client needs and had in-depth preparation. His workshop was highly interactive and inspiring, with numerous reflection point which promoted attendees to think deeper. Our team thoroughly enjoyed Peter's workshop.

Christopher Yip

Head, MBA Career & Alumni Development
HKUST Business School (MBA)

"The training session is simply captivating... offer applicable advises based on a psychological approach."

Very skilled at understanding what are client’s training needs and the training session is simply captivating. What’s more, he always keep in mind what behaviours and mindsets need to be changed for the audience and offer applicable advises based on a psychological approach.

Kenneth Lee

Supervisor (Innovation and Creativity)

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG)

"I can feel the energy and engagement throughout the process, and the approach of learning through activity matches with the young and energetic style of our team."

It was very different from a typical training - more like an open dialogue in a psychologically safe environment where all can share, and a chance for us to look inwards and raise our self-awareness on our ways of communication. The workplace communication workshop received very good feedback from the team - I can feel the energy and engagement throughout the process, and the approach of learning through activity matches with the young and energetic style of our team.

Crystal To

HR Business Partner HP

Boehringer Ingelheim (Hong Kong) Ltd.