Mindful hiking

Appreciating the scenery, enjoying nature and improve well-being

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Exploring nature can improve well-being both physically and mentally. It offers an opportunity to observe and facilitate inner calmness. Hiking is a form of mindful activity that allows participant to treasure the moment and enjoy inner peace while appreciating nature.

Mindful hiking allows participants to let go of everyday stress to understand teammates' personality in a pleasant atmosphere.

Mindful hiking is a great choice for participants to relieve stress. With outdoor teamwork activities that focus on mindfulness, Mindful hiking aim to encourage participants to let go of everyday stress, so that they can understand teammates' personalities in a delightful atmosphere.

  • Business field: Hiking together can build up friendships and rapport among employees. This can improve team performance and engagement.
  • Social welfare field: Hiking can increase co-workers' attentiveness to surroundings. They can better understand the needs of service targets and strengthen agreeableness.
  • Education field: By appreciating nature, parents and students can generalise and learn to appreciate themselves. Thus, more positive emotions can be created. 

Key aspects?

Relax and connect

In Mindful Hiking, participants can let go of stress to chat and share with one another. While enjoying natural scenery, friendships and rapport can be developed.

Learn to observe

In Mindful Hiking, participants can learn to concentrate in the present moment. This allows participants to take a break from stress and increases their attentiveness, which is particularly important at work.

Learn how to appreciate

In Mindful Hiking, participants can learn to observe and appreciate the beauty of nature. This process promotes gratitude among employees. Learning how to appreciate can increase agreeableness of employees in a team.

Strengthen willpower and increase engagement

In Mindful Hiking, participants learn to concentrate and explore the surroundings. This process allows participants to improve concentration and engagement at work so that work efficiency can be raised. 


Mindfulness in Singing Bowl and Mindful Hiking

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Tutors will first conduct the session of mindfulness in singing bowl. Singing bowl is not only a simple musical instrument, its deep and stable sound can encourage participants to concentrate at the moment. Participants will walk and pass the singing bowl. Everyone has the chance to beat and listen the harmonisation of the singing bowl. In the process, participants can let go of other distractions and learn to concentrate in the moment.

Then, tutors will conduct mindful walking session and participants can have a walk in nature. They can engage themselves fully in the walk and appreciate little things is nature.

Mindfulness in tasting

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Food can be comforting when we are stressed. It can be a pleasure in leisure time. It can be shared with family and friends. Food can trigger different senses but we may not have felt it whole-heartedly.

Tutors then lead participants to use techniques of exploration and five senses to taste and feel the food with a beginner mindset. Instead of the taste of the snack, our attitude influences our experience. Learning how to appreciate makes ordinary food savoury.

Emotion card game

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Emotion cards can reflect our emotions. Our interpretations can convey our emotions, experience and morals.

Through sharing our interpretations of emotion cards, participants can explore their differences and similarities so that they can understand and recognise individuals' uniqueness. Team building can be achieved by increasing mutual understanding.

Debriefing and Conclusion

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Many people think that hiking is a challenging and unrewarding activity. Some may overlook the beauty of countryside in Hong Kong. However, this is only our prejudice. Mindful hiking allows us to explore Hong Kong in a new angle. Participants can let go of their prejudice and use a beginner mindset during hiking. Participants are encouraged to be mindful and apply this mindset to other areas of their lives.

What is the link between hiking and mindfulness ?

During hiking, we are surrounded by natural environment and mindfulness can be experienced in a pleasant environment. Participants can enjoy inner calmness and peace brought by nature.

Why you should choose Mindful Hiking for Team Building? 

In Mindful hiking, teammates use five senses to observe nature and use a grateful attitude while appreciating the scenery. This encourages employees to appreciate one another and build up friendships in the team. 

Also, employees can chat in a pleasant environment. Rapport can be developed among employees as an ice-breaking activity.

How does Mindful Hiking increase overall work efficiency of employees ?

In Mindful Hiking, employees can learn emotions and stress management, including being mindful and paying attention to their surroundings. In long run, employees' work engagement and efficiency can be raised. 

Our Recognition

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Our Clients
Mr. Yeung Chun-Yin

Lecturer, CUHK Philosophy Department

"Simply helpful!"

Training offered by TreeholeHK is lively and practical. Do you think mindfulness has to be boring? Not so. In these enticing classes you'll get the essence of mindfulness easily. It's simply helpful!

Mr. Mills Wong

Registered I/O Psychologist
RTHK Radio Presenter

"Peter Chan is one of the masters on applied psychology."

What's difficult about psychology is applying knowledge effectively - transferring knowledge and skills learnt to life and work for a more satisfying life. This is the ultimate goal for learning psychology, so as the key to mastering the subject. To my knowledge, Peter Chan is one of the masters on applied psychology.

Mr. Sam Ng

Director of CountAudit Limited

"Other instantly seems more understandable."

Learning mindfulness and psychology makes my life better. I am able to regain self-control that helps with my work. And the most fascinating part is that thorough learning active listening and social psychology, other instantly seems more understandable.

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